2008년 4월 8일 화요일

Entry #6 w/ 1 significant passage from the book Blog #2

“’The sky’s simply full of shooting stars,’ she said. ‘All bright green. They make people’s faces look frightfully ghastly. Everybody’s out watching them, and sometimes it’s almost as light as day-only all the wrong color. Every now and then there’s a big one so bright that it hurts to look at it. It’s a marvelous sight. They say there’s never been anything like it before. It is such a pity you can’t see it, isn’t it?”

This passage from the book made me want to actually see the view for myself. I was so full of wonder of how it would look like: shooting stars that are green, and lights the world as bright as day. I would love to see this spectacular scene, and I was really excited, even though it was just the start of the book. I felt bad for Bill Masen, because he had bandages on his eyes that very day! But after reading a few more pages, I thought he was one of the really lucky ones.

“If you need to dramatize, you could well take for your material the years succeeding 1945, when the path of safety started to shrink to a tightrope along with we had to walk with our eyes deliberately closed to the depths beneath us.”

I was really surprised and found this passage very significant to me after reading this passage because I’ve never thought about this until I read this part. I soon realized that in the real world, the same problem was happening. The world will soon be a dangerous place, with wars going on and people killing each other. I felt very stupid and amazed about why I didn’t notice a problem this big that’s involved with me. I started thinking of ways to make people forget about desiring power and to make a safer world. I felt a need to do something about this and was inspired by this passage.

“’The thing hit him,’ she said. ‘It hit him and he fell down. And it wanted to hit me when I tried to help him. Horrible thing!’”
“In all the overwhelming disaster, that was the only grave I dug-and it was a very small one. She gathered a little bunch of flowers and laid them on top of it. Then we drove away.”

These two passages from the book really made me depressed and gloomy. A young girl who witnessed her younger brother being struck by a triffid. This passage was very disturbing because I thought it was very disgusting and sad. I know the author would want to show a part in the book when innocent people die because of a disaster, but I didn’t really like this passage. I felt real bad for the girl’s younger brother.

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