2008년 4월 6일 일요일

Entry #1 Blog #2

In this book, triffids play a very big role. Triffids are plants that can walk and strike people with venomous stings. Human have an advantage over triffids because human can “see”, but triffids can’t. People can spot a triffid and kill it before it comes near. But in this book, meteor-like rocks cross over Earth and people who have seen this extraordinary sight becomes blind. So, humans’ only advantage over triffids is gone. Now it comes down to human overcoming their greatest enemy: themselves and triffids. Mankind is going to be extinct even if triffids don’t exist because humans will kill themselves for their desires. The main role of triffids in this sci-fi is to reduce the human race so small that people would have to find a way to survive the catastrophe and rebuild their communities. So, I think the major theme of this book is that everything that human race have built will eventually collapse with mankind itself if people keep on fighting against each other for power, greed. There are some minor themes like how fast people can cooperate with each other and work together in order to survive. There will come a time when mankind cannot make any mistakes if they want to survive in this world, and triffids dramatically forwarded the moment in this book. Towards the end of this sci-fi, some people still want to achieve power even after all the disasters that had occurred. This shows how selfish humans are and how cruel they are to each other. This book shows teenagers like me in 2008 what kind of catastrophe will happen in the future if we keep on running towards our selfish greed and how to prevent it from occurring. Teenagers are young, full of energy, and SHOULD be eager to learn. There is still hope, and if us, teenagers start holding ourselves together then we can turn this soon-to-be dystopia world into soon-to-be utopia world.

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