2008년 3월 3일 월요일

Entry #3

In Fahrenheit 451, there are 5 main characters that play a major role in this book. Guy Montag is the character who plays the most important role in this book. In the beginning of the book, he lives a normal life in the society which is pretty different from the real world, and does a job he likes, burning books. The role of a fireman changes as time passes. People start not to like thinking, and gaining knowledge. Books has enormous amount of knowledge, so the society needs a person who can burn books and get rid of knowledge. Burning books is an amazing job for someone like Montag, no thinking, just burning. But his thought for the society begins to change. He starts questioning, “Why do firemen burn books?” And he learns about the past and goes on a voyage to make people read books again. He is the brave kind of hero who tries to save the world from stupidity, and contamination. Then there is this character, Mildred, who is the wife of Montag, and all day long she watches the television. She is an example of a person who doesn’t have the strength to resist and let the flow of the environment go right through her. She is very immature, and doesn’t even think about what she think is right. She just does the same thing as most people in this book do : eat, sleep, and watch T.V. Then there is this character named Clarisse who is the main person to change Montag’s point of view of the outside world. She is very curious about every little detail. She questions the society, and wants to gain knowledge. She wants to, but since there are no books to read and no other alternative courses of action to achieve knowledge, she just observes how people behave. Clarisse is the character who relates to people that needs knowledge, but because of the environment around them, they cannot do anything because their voice will not be heard. There are two other characters who know that ignoring knowledge is unwise, but are afraid of the circumstances of after they announce it to the outside world. But one fights and the other gives up. Beatty is a fireman like Montag, and knows why knowledge has been pushed away but doesn’t do anything to make people realize that knowledge is the key way to making the world more peaceful if used in the correct way. He asks for death because he knows what’s right but is afraid of doing it. But on the other hand, Faber, sucks it all up and becomes courageous to resist and fight. He was afraid just like Beatty, but meets Montag and realizes that there are people who actually fight for what they think is right, and he starts to change his mind. Faber helps Montag to actually publish a book in the situation he’s in, and helps all he can to make people read books and achieve knowledge. I favor Montag and Faber, because the stand up for what they believe is right, but I can understand Beatty because if I were to be in that situation, I think I wouldn’t have been able to fight for what I believe what’s right against so many odds. I like Clarisse’s curiosity, she’s the reason Montag is questioning about everything. I think if she was old enough, she would have fought against the society with Montag. I think Mildred is just an example of a person who is helpless and needs to be rescued from contamination. I think each character resembles different characteristics, the brave, weak, and the helpless. I think they each reveal that the benefit of knowledge is more enormous than any other power.

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