2008년 3월 2일 일요일

Entry #1

In Fahrenheit 451, society has come to a devastating state that no literatures are allowed because books raise questions, and they sometimes bring forth revolution, even anarchy. Books give you knowledge, and allow you think differently and the government doesn't want to take the risk of letting people question them. As you’re reading throughout the book, you can find that the government isn't trying to do something corrupted, but people don't want to think about the problem that arises in the society. So people's minds become weaker and weaker and they start to fear knowledge, the ability to think. They rely on other people (governments, etc) to think for them. Now this is where television comes in. Since they don't think about anything and have nothing to do, people watch television all day long and their minds get brainwashed. I think the major theme of this novel is to not to be afraid of knowledge, use it to your own benefits because yes, knowledge can bring destruction to us, but it can also allow us not to repeat the same mistakes we made in the past. Reading books is one of the best ways to think and question one another and achieve knowledge. There is a minor theme about anti-television in this book because the author is speaking of television and the government with a critical eye. For example, Montag’s wife Mildred, watches the television all day long and doesn’t think about anything. In the text, you can see that Mildred only eats, sleeps, and watches the television.

I think this novel is important to a teenager like me because of the way the theme relates to society. Teenagers are not full-grown, not yet, so the author, Ray Bradbury, is telling us teenagers to think a lot about the problems that arise in our own society to be prepared when we actually become fully grown adults. I think the author wants us to read books and think about anything, have curiosity. I think the character Clarisse in this book plays an important role since she has so many questions and observes any detail she can find and eventually makes Montag think. Clarisse was just a teenager, and I bet she could’ve answered all her questions through reading books.

2 개의 댓글:

Clarion :

I mostly agree with you. I think that in Fahrenheit 451, society is pretty corrupt. Firemen are burning books just because the government is afraid that people will be offended by them. Did you know that something like this is actually taking place in the world right now?! That's right.. just look up "modern censorship" on Google.

I liked how you made the point that "people's minds become weaker and weaker and they start to fear knowledge, the ability to think. They rely on other people (governments, etc) to think for them." Another thing I'd like the mention is that society doesn't seem to happy that the government is doing this, although they (society) may "think" that they are happy.

For example, let's consider Mildred Montag. Mildred "thinks" that she is happy, watching television and listening to the radio all day. She thinks she's happy that she doesn't need to think, but is she really happy? If she was truly happy, she wouldn't have tried to kill herself in the first place, right?

Guy Montag is another good example. He thought that burning books caused him to be happy, but after a simple encounter with an odd teenager he never met before, all of his happiness melted faster than an ice cream cone left outside on a hot summer's day. This also kind of relates to what you said about Clarisse (being an important character). Like I said, Clarisee changed all of what appeared to be the "truth" for Guy Montag.

Nice work! I hope you keep it up, and I look forward to commenting on some of your other posts.

2hanl2da :

You have a deep thinking! Yes, the main idea is about censorship. Books are tools to help you answer questions. Hmm… you said about minor theme, which is anti-television. Were you trying to say that the author think TV’s are influencing too many on teenagers and cause serious problems? I am not quite sure what your point is. Anyway, I believe TV do not make a person think but more complex because like Mildred who watch TV but no contact with Guy Montag had made her stupid and lazy.

This theme is really important to teenagers because we are the future of the society. I think the majority of students would read books because it is for an assignment or their parents force them to. We need to read so we can answer questions easily through reading and meet fewer conflicts.

Anyways, you have good reasons why this theme is so important to teenager. I enjoyed reading it!